Jumatatu, 1 Mei 2017

Killer Of Obesity – 1 Teaspoon Per Day Of This Spice And You Can Lose Up To 15 kg In 3 Months!

Boosting the metabolism is a sure way to lose weight. There are several natural ingredients which could achieve this, but don’t worry, you won’t need to quit from the favorite foods. Instead, you only got to alter spices.

Some people starve themselves to lose weight, but this is the worst type of dieting. Properly combining foods and spices will boost your metabolism and melt away the extra fat.

Recently, research in the University of Medical Sciences in Iran was conducted on two groups of 44 overweight women each. The groups were advised on healthy food for three months, and the menu included only 500 calories or fewer on a daily basis.

The first group ate cumin powder mixed with 140 ml. yogurt, and also the second group ate only yogurt. After three months, the outcomes showed the group that consumed yogurt down the spice lost 14 kg. compared to the other group of girls.

The subjects in the first group lost 14. 64% more fat compared to the others, who lost only 4. 91%.

The cumin contains phytosterols, chemical compounds which will prevent the retention of cholesterol inside the body, and several scientists claim the spice can quicken the metabolism.

Try this amazing spice in your dishes – It‘ll enhance their flavor and help you lose weight faster.
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